Land, Truth and Reconciliation

Dear Community, We gather here today to reflect upon our shared history and to take steps toward reconciliation with Indigenous communities, whose land we now call home. It is a moment of truth, healing, and...
Free Shipping Sale | Fall 2023

Free Shipping Sale | Fall 2023

Free Shipping + Limited Bundles.   All orders over $75 (Canada and US) qualify for free shipping until October 2nd, 2023. We have limited bundles available online. Shop now before bundles sell out. When your...
Choose a Different Method to Help Your Horse Lose weight: Juliet M. Getty, PhD.

Choose a Different Method to Help Your Horse Lose weight: Juliet M. Getty, PhD.

Choose a Different Method to Help Your Horse Lose weightBy Juliet M. Getty, PhD.  Stress = Obesity. That’s right. Stress is keeping your horse fat. And the main source of stress for most horses? Restricting...
Hay Testing Information

Hay Testing Information

Hay Testing Info - How To Test Your Hay NAG Bags is always recommencing hay testing? Why? It's such a small price to pay for the benefits it will give you, and you're stuck.We have...


NAG Bags to Enrich… NAG Bags wholeheartedly was developed to "Enrich" life for all grazing animals and is especially geared to help equine’s struggling with Metabolic syndrome, laminitis, ulcers and colic. Being involved in multiple...
Back to Basics - NAG Bags

Back to Basics

Back to Basics bring foraging back to basic’s, and as natural as possible. The influence this has on health and digestion is overwhelming, the proof is in, as we see content happy well beings. With...
Peak Performance - NAG Bags

Peak Performance

Peak Performance… The NAG Bag horse is always on top of their game, ready to perform and execute tasks to the best of their ability. An athletic horse brings speed, control, endurance, and the ability...
Quality - NAG Bags


Quality... NAG Bags are all about quality products and standing behind our 100 % North America slow feeder. Our nets are designed by the owner, an avid equestrian and competitor for many years. With implementing...
Equine Cushing's Disease (PPID) Can Be Slowed Down: Juliet M. Getty, PhD.

Equine Cushing's Disease (PPID) Can Be Slowed Down: Juliet M. Getty, PhD.

Equine Cushing's Disease (PPID) Can Be Slowed Down By Juliet M. Getty, PhD.  Equine Cushing’s disease, scientifically referred to as pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID), is typically an age-related neurodegenerative disorder. Many horses will develop...